South Park'ın gelmiş geçmiş en iyi 10 bölümünden birisi. Red Badge Of Gayness. Cartman Kuzey-Güney savaşında Konfederasyon Ordusu'nun başındaki General Lee rolünde Washington'a kadar ülkeyi fethediyor. Düşman saflarındaki Stan-Kyle ikilisine ve fetih sırasında (doğal olarak) şehit düşen Kenny Mc Cormick'in annesine yazdığı mektup bile South Park'ı ağızda sıvı varken izlememek gerektiğinin kanıtı. Aslında resim bile yeterli.
Dear guys.Words cannot express how much I hate you guys. As we fight our way northward into the great unknown, only that one thing remains certain: that I hate you guys with every tired muscle in my Confederate body. We have taken Topeka, and now I must lolly the men over to Missouri. Because I will not stop until we have won it all, and you guys are my slaves. Because, I hate you guys. I hate you guys so very very much.
General Cartman Lee
Dear Ms. McCormick.It is with a very heavy heart that I must inform you that your son Kenny was killed in battle on the morning of November 18, at Ruby Hills Funland in Chattanooga. This war has taken something from all of us, and, although your son seems to be the only casualty so far, know that we all share your pain. Your son did not die in vain. I shall persevere and make Stan and Kyle my slaves. Because I hate those guys. I hate them so very very much. Yours, General Cartman Lee
Dear Mr. President:
There are times when humans can no longer endure their government's authoritah. You must declare the Confederaceh its own nation so that we may enter into a new millennium of prosperitah. If you do not meet our demands, we will be forced to show the videotapes we have of you with Marisa Tomei.
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bütün kasaba erkeklerini bira ile sarhoş ederek yoluna devam etmesine mi yoksa bu mektuplaramı gülünecek insan şaşırıyor :)
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