Zaman zaman elinizde olmadan perdeden başka yere baktıracak kadar sıkıcılaşan Closer filminin şahsımı ekrana çivileyen tek bölümü. Clive Owen'ın enfes performansına alkış tabi ki.
Herkese iyi tatiller. Bu hafta tam 10 ligde şampiyon belli olabilir. İtalya ve İspanya da bunlara dahil. Pazartesi uzunca bir "tura çıkanlar" yazısı gelebilir kısacası. Günü King Santillana'nın "Sana Huri Yok" yazısınaa 2000'de kıyametin kopmaması ile ilgili yorumuyla bitirelim.
"2000 yılında kıyamet koptu Uçan Hollandalı'm. Galatasaray Uefa'yı aldı. Bundan büyük kıyamet mi olur Allasen :)"
Anna: Why are you dressed?
Larry: Because I think you might be about to leave me and I don't want to be wearing a dressing gown. ...I slept with someone in New York. A whore. I'm sorry.
Anna: Why did you tell me?
Larry: I couldn't lie to you.
Anna: Why not?
Larry: Because I love you.
(She walks away to sit down on a chair--long pause.)
Anna: It's fine.
Larry: Really? Why? Something's wrong. Tell me. Are you leaving me? (She nods) Because of this? Why?
Anna: Dan.
(Dan (Jude Law)--whose practical joke resulted in Anna and Larry meeting.)
Larry: "Cupid"? He's our joke.
Anna: I love him.
Larry: You're seeing him, no? (She nods) Since when?
Anna: Since my opening last year. I'm disgusting.
Larry: You're phenomenal. You're so clever.Why did you marry me?
Anna: I stopped seeing him and I wanted us to work.
Larry: Why did you tell me you wanted children?
Anna: Because I do.
Larry: And now you want children with him.
Anna: Yes. (shakes head) I don't know.
Larry: We're happy. Aren't we? (she gives him a look)... You're going to go live with him?
Anna: You can stay here if you want.
Larry: Oh, look, I don't give a fuck about the spoils. You did this to me, the day we met, you let me hang myself for your amusement. Why didn't you just tell me the second I walked through the door?
Anna: I was scared.
Larry: You're a coward, you spoiled bitch! ... Are you dressed because you thought I might hit you? What do you think I am?
Anna: I've been hit before.
Larry: Not by me! Is he a good fuck?
Anna: Don't do this.
(They move into the kitchen.)
Larry: Just answer the question. Is he good?
Anna: Yes.
Larry: Better than me?
Anna: Different.
Larry: Better?
Anna: Gentler.
Larry: What does that mean?
Anna: You know what it means.
Larry: Tell me.
Anna: No.
Larry: I treat you like a whore.
Anna: Sometimes.
Larry: Why would that be?
Anna: I'm sorry you--
Larry: Don't say it! Don't you fucking say "You're too good for me." I am, but don't say it. You're making the mistake of your life. You're leaving me because you believe you don't deserve happiness but you do, Anna. (beat)... Did you have a bath because you had sex with him? So you wouldn't smell of him? So you'd feel less guilty? How do you feel?
Anna: Guilty.
Larry: Did you ever love me?
(She nods, walks over and holds him. He cries in her arms. After a few seconds, he pushes her away and walks away.) (We leave them for a moment to see Daniel (Jude Law) standing in his empty apartment, after being unable to find Alice. When we return to Anna and Larry, a few minutes have passed. It's clear that these minutes have been spent in isolated silence.)
Larry: Did you do it here?
Anna: No.
Larry: Why not?
Anna: Do you wish we did?
Larry: Just tell me the truth.
Anna: Yes we did it here.
Larry: Where?
(She points to a very nice sofa.)
Anna: There.
Larry: On this? We had a first fuck on this. Did you think of me? ... When? When did you do it here? ANSWER THE QUESTION!
Anna: This evening.
Larry: Did you come?
Anna: Why are you doing this?
Larry: 'Cause I want to know.
Anna: Yes, I came.
Larry: How many times?
Anna: Twice.
Larry: How?
Anna: First he went down on me then we fucked.
Larry: Who was where?
Anna: I was on top then he fucked me from behind.
Larry: And that's when you came the second time.
Anna: God... why is the sex so important?
Larry: Because I'm a fucking caveman! Did you touch yourself while he fucked you?
Anna: Yes.
Larry: You wank for him.
Anna: Sometimes.
Larry: And he does.
Anna: We do everything that people who have sex do!
Larry: Do you enjoy sucking him off?!
Anna: Yes!
Larry: You like his cock?!
Anna: I love it!
Larry: You like him coming in your face?!
Anna: Yes!
Larry: What does it taste like?!
Anna: It tastes like you but sweeter.
Larry: That's the spirit. Thank you. Thank you for your honesty. Now fuck off and die, you fucked up slag.
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